Wednesday, December 31, 2008


There are two kingdoms one lead by Iris's father King (Ted)_____ haha and the other one is lead by King (Bob)____ (i have a whole bunch of names somewhere but i'm not sure if those are the ones i want to use XD) Ever since king Bob.. killed the original king of Sporks we'll call it for now... Anyways Bob escapes and starts a new kindom Spoons we'll call it ( man i really need to find those names XD) The widowed queen soon follows her husband in death many months later due to a peculiar accident. Therefore, King Ted takes the throne.

Over the years King Bob has been brooding and drawing forces for his army so he can "claim" his rightful spot to the throne. Of course both kings have married and From King Ted and Queen Elana they had Princess Iris. And King Bob and Queen Portia were unable to have children so King Bob adopted Prince Ionnoyournameyet and he will become king after King Bob dies and so forth. catch my drift? haha

King Bob begins sending forces of troops to capture small villages outlaying the Kingdom of Sporks. Outraged King Ted begins drawing his troops to fight back ensueing the war... This is when Iris is younger.. both Kings meet on the battlefield to try and draw up a truce. King Bob in his evil ways decides to arrange the marriage of Iris and Ionnoyournameyet.. and that is the only way he will accept an end to fighting is if King Ted agrees to the arranged marriage (they'll get married when they're older of course haha) King Ted agrees to it ( although he never intended to follow through with the agreement he only agreed to make the fighting stop) SOoooo after a few years Iris is 17 and is ready to marry according to their customs and such. King Bob calls upon King Ted to fulfill their agreement and Iris overhears this and is disgusted by the thought soo she decides to runaway :D.

Of course once she runs away they send people out to go find her so she'll be trying the whole time to get away from them and such..

Umm I dunno how I'll add this bit but King Ted finds an abondoned baby unicorn that was dying. So King Ted brought it home and gave the unicorn to Iris and she raised it and since the unicorn bonded with her they can communicate with each other by the unicorn touching her horn to Iris's forehead.

So picking back up to where i left off with her running away there had been rumors of white tiger that was supposedly cursed that lived in the forest around the kingdom of Sporks. But Iris was not afraid of any "silly story" so she wandered through the forest with Spectra (unicorns name) she wasn't really sure of where to go and it was getting dark but she sure as heck was not going back to Sporks. It was getting darker and darker and after awhile all she could hear were night bugs and birds and such.. she found a good spot to hid out in a thick grove of closely woven trees and tall grass and she and Spectra lay down to sleep.

And i also know she meets someone named Emmery who happends to be the white tiger who is cursed to be a white tiger by day and a human by night.

haha XD

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